I had this Idea about two years ago; thought about it for a week and then shared the Idea with a few people - the ones I knew wouldn't think I was too crazy, and they rallied round to help set up a charity
Our Day Out
We've written before about the need to end the isolation that many disabled young people experience. Disabled young people are usually not seen in public - many seldom leave their compounds and, in Gunjur, only a very few have ever been out of their village. So we were delighted when the suggestion came from the volunteer play staff that they wanted to take the children out on a trip to Brikama - the local market town. The whole event was great fun - even the novelty of a minibus ride was a highlight (as with all the best trips out!). The kids had a picnic, saw around the market and to end the day, paid an impromptu visit to the Governor of the West Coast Region who welcomed them all into his office to hear about the great work of the Gunjur Inclusion Project.
Salute to Young Gambian Volunteers
World Disability Day 2012
Ok so the excitement is mounting! We are gearing up for World Disability Day this December 3rd! Emails are flying back and forth between The Gambia and UK as the final preparations take place. We are very proud to be bringing four disabled students from Stepping Stones school in the UK to Gunjur to deliver a presentation called "Same As Us". Their aim is to raise awareness of the issues faced by disabled young people all over the world and inspire the community in Gunjur to learn more about Inclusion.
They will be talking to audiences at the two main schools in Gunjur; to a support group for parents of disabled children and at the main event on World Disability Day. This will be a huge community event attended by lots of children and The Chief of Kombo South, His Excellency the British High Commissioner and all the Leaders and Elders of the Gunjur community.
In their presentation, the students will talk about what it is like to be disabled; how they would like to be treated and how they feel about the rights of disabled children worldwide.
We are confident that these students will do a lot to inspire the community to do more for disabled young people and will give a big boost to the profile of the "Gunjur Inclusion Project".
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The Importance of Play in The Gambia
Inclusion Saves Lives
Physiotherapy & Play In Gambia
I've recently returned from another week of meetings in Gunjur. Working with our partners Tarud. (Trust Agency for Rural Development), we are trying to raise awareness of the needs of disabled young people in the 25,000 strong community, and support the development of services which will improve their quality of life.
The Trouble with Aid
The natural desire to help in Africa has become almost fashionable, but should we think a bit more carefully before jumping in? I really like the ideas and ethics of this passionate plea from Dr Ernesto Sirolli here:
Ten Months On: How Are We Doing? . . .
News from The Gambia
Welcome to the Disability Africa Blog!
Disability Africa is a new charity formed from individuals with many years of experience of working with, and developing services for, disabled young people and their families. On September 8th 2011 we registered with The Charity Commission ( reg number 1143704 - check us out on the Charity Commission web site) to work with local people in African countries to help improve the lives of disabled young people and their families.
On this blog we'll be keeping you up to date with our projects and our partners. We'll try to share ideas and link you to the best thinking and practice we can find about Inclusive Development Projects.
We'll also use this space to be controversial and challenge ideas and, in turn, we welcome your comments - so long as they're polite :-)
Coming Soon:
Ric Law is visiting Gunjur in The Gambia from 25th Nov - 2nd December courtesy of our partners the Marlborough Brandt Group and during that time we will be meeting a range of Disabled People's Organisations and community leaders as well as disabled young people and their families. We hope that this will be the start of a long-term relationship which will lead to some strong partnerships and measurable changes to the lives of disabled children.
We'll let you know!